Tag: HP
Common Cents: On-Campus vs Online
When it was time for me to choose a college, everyone – friends, family, the lady standing behind me in line at the grocery store – EVERYONE had to put in their own ‘two cents.’ They would ramble on about large student loan debt and the surge of unemployed graduates. It was enough to discourage anyone from applying to college at all… including myself. It was a few years – and a few minimum wage jobs later – before I realized I could achieve my dream of earning a college degree and I could do it debt-free.
It Came Down to Cents
My research showed that the cost of a two year degree at a state university would have cost me upwards of $12,000 and that did not include books and additional fees. But my Associate’s Degree earned online through Brighton College was a fraction of the cost — $3,900, which included all books and fees. It didn’t take a mathematician to figure out which option would be more cost effective!
It Came Down to Time
We all have busy schedules. I was working two part-time jobs and had a child and husband at home. My calendar was always full of appointments, extracurricular activities, and work functions. Finding time to attend classes at a physical university was nearly impossible. I needed to be able to make my own school schedule. While I will admit that the idea of sitting in a classroom surrounded by fellow students who were interested in the same course of study that I was sounded great, I just didn’t have the time. My accredited, online college offered quality education on my schedule. And as far as the student interaction went, I was surprised to find that it was easy to connect with my peers through Brighton College’s social media.
It Came Down to a Career
While trying to decide between an online university or a traditional university, I never forgot my end goal: to be employable. I quickly learned that with a traditional university, I would be held to their schedule — a long and drawn out schedule. But, Brighton College online offered flexibility which allowed me to earn my degree faster. Trust me: the faster you earn a degree or diploma the faster you will join the workforce.
It Came Down to Brighton College
If you are considering an online university, consider Brighton College. Brighton College offers associate degrees in high demand portable careers such as allied health, business administration, and criminal justice. The cost of credit hour for Brighton’s degree programs is $65.00 per credit hour. This means you can earn your degree for less than $4000.00 (and graduate debt free, like I did). This amount includes all tuition, books and fees. Brighton College also allows flexibility, work at your own pace courses which fit seamlessly into your busy schedule. An additional perk, Brighton College is includes an HP Notebook with tuition for all as part of all diploma programs. What a great way to begin your online college experience! Want more information about the benefits of Brighton College? Simply click here to send an email.
Written by Kellie G.