6 Questions to Ask When Looking For a Career
6 Questions to Ask When Looking For a Career
You’re ready for a new career, but it’s important to prepare yourself for success. Answer these questions in order to build a strong future.
- What Kind of Person are you (and What Kind do you want to be)?
Understanding your own values, weaknesses, and goals is vital to creating a life that you love. Focus on becoming hard-working and committed.
- Where do you want to Work?
Now that you know who you are and what you love, where will those values shine? For instance, if you are compassionate, a career in the medical field may suit you.
- What Obstacles do you face?
The best way to overcome obstacles is to prepare for them. Take a moment and write down everything that could possibly get in your way and 2-3 ways to get around each one.
- Why do you want this?
Have a clear reason as to why you want to leave your old career, so that you have specific parameters to look for when choosing a new one.
- What is Available?
If you have time constraints on finding a new career, then you should focus on what industries have opportunities available now.
- How can you get there?
Make an action plan for what it will take you to get into a new career. Write down any education and experience you need as well as how you can get it.
Bonus Question: Who can help you build a Successful Future?
Brighton College online courses are ready and waiting to help you train for a new career you’ll love! Call us today at 1-800-354-1254
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