6 Questions to Ask When Looking For a Career

When Looking For A Career

6 Questions to Ask When Looking For a Career

You’re ready for a new career, but it’s important to prepare yourself for success. Answer these questions in order to build a strong future.

  1. What Kind of Person are you (and What Kind do you want to be)?

Understanding your own values, weaknesses, and goals is vital to creating a life that you love. Focus on becoming hard-working and committed.

  1. Where do you want to Work?

Now that you know who you are and what you love, where will those values shine? For instance, if you are compassionate, a career in the medical field may suit you.

  1. What Obstacles do you face?

The best way to overcome obstacles is to prepare for them. Take a moment and write down everything that could possibly get in your way and 2-3 ways to get around each one.

  1. Why do you want this?

Have a clear reason as to why you want to leave your old career, so that you have specific parameters to look for when choosing a new one.

  1. What is Available?

If you have time constraints on finding a new career, then you should focus on what industries have opportunities available now.

  1. How can you get there?

Make an action plan for what it will take you to get into a new career. Write down any education and experience you need as well as how you can get it.

Bonus Question: Who can help you build a Successful Future?

Brighton College online courses are ready and waiting to help you train for a new career you’ll love! Call us today at 1-800-354-1254

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